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Speed Devil #2:

Sex : Feminized
Type: Automatic Flowering
Genetics :
THC: 15%, CBD: 1,1%, CBN: 0,5%
Yield: indoor 400-500 gr/m2, outdoor 20-60 gr/plant
Flowering indoor: 5 weeks
Harvest time outdoor: 2 months from seed
Height: 70-80cm

Characteristics : sweet and musky tones reminiscent of yeast and cheese

Opis: ( Moje tlumaczenie )

Our first and feminised autoflowering variety. First genetic evolution of Speed Devil, developed during the 2009-2010 seasons. All plants start flowering around the fourth true leaf pair, regardless of photoperiod and season.

In this second version of Speed Devil it has kept the rapid flowering of its previous version, super-fast growing plants that are ready for harvest with aromatic resinous buds, ripe and perfectly formed, just 60 days after seed germination.

In Speed Devil #2 it has been increased the average size of plants which stands at 70-80 cm. Another feature of this version is that it has substantially increased the formation of lateral branches, which produce heavy buds and also increase production. In this version we also found increased formation of crystals of resin with a more intense aroma, sweet and musky tones reminiscent of yeast and cheese.

Nasza pierwsza oarz feminizowana autokwitnaca odmiana z naszego sortu.Pierwsza genetyczna ewolucja Speed Devil'a powstala w sezonach 2009-2010.Wszystkie roslinki zaczely kwitnac okolo 4 pary lisci wlasciwych ( wiatraczkowych ) niezaleznie od Fotoper. oraz sezonu.

W tej drogiej juz wersji Speed Devil'a zachowala ona blyskawiczne tempo kwitnienia od swego poprzednika, super-szybkie roslinki ktore sa gotowe, do zbiorow aromatycznie-pokrytych zywica topow,twardych i idealnie uformowanych w zaledwie 60dni od kielkowania.

W Speed Devil #2 zostala zwiekszona srednia wysokosc roslinki ktora wynosi 70-80cm.Nastepnym ulepszeniem w tej odslonie jest zwiekszona produkcja odgalezien ktore tworza ciezkie szczyty.
W tej odslonie odnalezlismy zwiekszona produkcje krysztalow oraz intensywnosci aromatu, slodki, z pizmowym tonem przypominajacym Yeast oraz Cheese.

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