Miś Opublikowano 10 Października 2013 Opublikowano 10 Października 2013 "Ayahuasca Analogues and Plant-Based Tryptamines (2000)" Cytat PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS:ANOTHER AYAHUASCA ADMIXTURE PLANT Spring 1995 I boiled a tea of Phragmites australisroot (45 grams) for about 15 minutes, then threw in the usual dose of Peganum harmala(3 grams). It was the most sublime, pristine experience of my life and definitely my heaviest ayahuasca analogue trip to date—highly visual, with awesome insights into myself and the world. God, what a day! Six hours of mind-blowing revelations and insights. Incredible sensations of intense beauty. Visions of golden worlds beyond imagining. I was shivering all over for the first hour, which is typical for me whenever I’m on anything containing DMT. I was deeply touched emotionally by the delicacy and beauty of it all. I heard from (someone else) who said it enabled him to speak to the animal spirits—he wasn’t exaggerating. P. australiswill revolutionize ayahuasca usage in this country. I was about twice as high as I’ve ever been on anything like this. I’m sure the dose could even be increased with no problems. There was no nausea or other side-effects whatsoever. The brew even tasted great, without the usual P. harmalabitterness—a slightly sugary molasses taste. Anyone could get this down without difficulty. This is what I’ve been looking for—my search for the DMT-source-plant appears to be over. — ANONYMOUS Lordy, lordy—new plants are being (re)discovered monthly, it seems! Phragmites australisis totally new to me; a quick look in the JLF catalog tells me that its common name is giant reed—the same moniker that Arundo donaxgoes by, ‘though it’s obviously in a different genus. OTT’SPharmacotheongives the original reference as: WASSEL, G.M.et al. 1985. “Alkaloids from the rhizomes of Phragmites australis(Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.”Scientia Pharmaceutica53(3): 169–170.Chemical Abstracts104: 48723f. Your description suggests that it contains DMT minus other junk that often clouds the trip or makes you sick. Let’s get some more first-hand data on this plant. — JIM DEKORNE PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS:NEGATIVE Summer 1995 I was intrigued with the “Phragmites australis:Another Ayahuasca Admixture Plant” article in the Spring 1995 issue of ER, and decided to check it out. I ordered 90 grams of the root from JLF and did two tests. In the first, I weighed out 22.5 grams of root and 3 grams powdered Peganum harmala seeds, and boiled same in three cups of water for fifteen minutes. I drank the admixture to no effect. In the second test, I used 45 grams of root, 3 grams of P. harmalaand let the mixture simmer overnight in a crock-pot at low heat. Again, nothing happened. If the person who wrote in initially (or anyone else) can shed some light on what I may be doing wrong, I would be most obliged. — D.L., NV PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS:POSITIVE Summer 1995 Our first trials with Phragmites australiscombined with Peganum harmalawere not quite what we were hoping for. The standard 3X lemon juice extract of 60 grams P. australisplus 3 grams P. harmalawere taken after a 24 hour fast. It was definitely entheogenic, with the predominant sensation of 5-MeODMT. There was very little visual effect, but there was definitely a lot of clear spatial energy movement through the body. The experience peaked at a “plus-two” about an hour after ingesting the P. australisportion of the brew. At this point my fellow psychonaut suddenly felt the urge to make a beeline for the bathroom where he puked and shit at the same time. (Quite a predicament indeed!) Two hours into the trip I took a booster equivalent to 30 grams of P. australisand 1.5 grams of P. harmala. This pushed me into a solid “plus-three,” which lasted for several hours. It came in waves of intensity. I experienced some very unpleasant nausea and somatic discomfort, which set the tone of the trip. I suspect the lemon juice may have been a factor in the side-effects, perhaps it’s not necessary in this brew. For future trials I plan to investigate other possible means of ingestion. — EROS It seems unlikely that lemon juice would cause the side-effects noted. Have a tall glass of lemonade and rethink this. — DAVIDAARDVARK MORE PHRAGMITES AUSTRALISREPORTS Fall 1995 My test of Phragmites australis, using indole test strips from JRL BIOSCIENCES (no longer in business) showed no tryptamines. These strips have been very 148 reliable in testing other substances. Could there be variability in the type of P. australis? I got mine from JLF. In the interest of clearing up distortions could you include the sources of the materials mentioned in ER? — Mr. SEE, UT The dilemma in naming the sources for drug-containing plant products is that it could be seen to imply that these companies are selling such plants for consumptive purposes (which would be illegal in the case of plants that contain scheduled compounds). Of course, if a plant sold by one of these companies is inactive, then it probably doesn’t contain a scheduled compound. Hence, it might be less of a problem to report those sources that are providing inactive plant material than reporting those that provide the active stuff. — DAVIDAARDVARK JOHNNY APPLESEED RESPONDS Fall 1995 I dug some common reed (Phragmites australis) this winter in February and did an alkaloid extraction using the acid/base method. The first extraction yielded enough for a pyro-assay, which resulted in a faintly perceptible “plus-1.5.” A later oral assay was about the same. The TLC plate shows a very small quantity of 5-MeO-DMT. This may be another one of those cases where there are alkaloids present, but in too small a quantity to make extraction worthwhile. I am sure there are varietal differences as well. — JOHNNY APPLESEED PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS:NEGATIVE Spring 1996 Just for your info, I tried three times the Phragmites australis/Peganum harmala combination with rhizomes from JLF. It was only very weakly psychoactive, and a big disappointment after the glowing report in ER. — H. WESTKEY, FL The general consensus seems to be that Phragmites australisis hardly worth bothering with. The “glowing report” in the Spring 1995 ERcame from a single individual who maintains an extremely strict diet and is probably more sensitive to entheogens than the average user. Bear in mind that individual plants can vary widely in tryptamine content and one person’s unique experience is not always repeatable across the board. Because of the mostly negative feedback on this plant, I have learned to be more cautious about emphasizing rave reports concerning otherwise unproven botanicals. — JIMDEKORNE ANOTHER POSITIVE PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS REPORT Summer 1996 I have been pursuing Phragmites australis“giant reed” as a Ayahuasca analogue ingredient since your Spring 1995 issue, and can now report good results. I encourage your readers to experience it, as my journeys have been excellent and like those described by the anonymous contributor to ER. P. australisshould by no means be written off, as it is kinder than true ayahuasca. Yet it is different. My present recipe is 3 grams of Peganum harmala, following p. 57 of OTT’S Ayahuasca Analoguesclosely. With this small volume of lime juice and incidental water, there has been no nausea. Just boil it 15 minutes and filter it twice with a cotton T-shirt. Increase the water and you will experience the trouble of thinking about your body and will probably blow chow. The P. australisrhizome (50 wet grams; a higher dose to be tested soon) is simply boiled 20–30 minutes and tastes just fine. This is about 2.5 feet of rhizome if you can get it dried out. If you drink only the extracted root portion at least, there have been absolutely no bad physical side-effects to date with 9 tests on four people. P. australishas the advantage of being everywhere, and I’m happy to report, difficult to eradicate in the East. It needs abundant water and is hard to find where I live in Northern California and in the desert. However, I finally found it growing at the Sacramento River Delta, and most poetically, next to the mothball fleet of warships anchored in the backwaters of the San Francisco Bay. I like to think about the plant spiritually and physically cleansing this horror of American pollution. I have been told by a botanist that he was unsuccessful in his attempt to grow it here, yet I have started five large tubs of it and every piece has sprouted dramatically. I plan to keep some of the plant growing with water lilies under water, and some in mud only damp on the surface. I expect the tubs to fill with rhizomes and almost burst with the wild energy of this beautiful reed. I am interested in getting a response from other ayahuascaros on a related subject that I have both experienced and witnessed. It has no physiological explanation that I can understand. My tea drinking has been with Banisteriopsis caapiand Psychotria viridis, made by Santo Daimechurch members and brought in from Brazil, and with the analogue plants described above. The California tea drinkers are often people new to the experience, but all practicing some dietary restrictions, and none eating at least four hours before the event. Now, some of these people, including myself, all of whom drank appropriate portions to get off, experienced almost nothing at all on some occasions, and soared on others. This has been with both “real” ayahuasca and my analogue. My experience yesterday was with a long time União do Vegetalchurch member and myself, this time with me soaring and he feeling less (although he reported that his arms started growing pine needles as he transformed into a tree). The time we drank together last, he became much higher than me. It would appear that it is possible to block the experience sometimes, so that little happens. Although I can’t explain this, it might account for reports of no entheogenic results on new plants sometimes, and variability ascribed to the plant material itself. Have other experienced this with their groups? I personally find that I cannot attain great heights without evoking help and assistance from the “Source” or “Sources” of the “Light.” I cannot get off on my own; or at least I no longer want to try. I need to do this with prayer at the very onset of the tea coming on. I might add that I am a person who never prayed before, and who would not now, I suppose, if I had not been so powerfully answered. May you stay in the presence of the Light. May the Light protect our planet. — ANONYMOUS, CA PEGANUM HARMALA AND PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS Spring 1997 60 grams of Phragmites australisroots plus 3 grams of Peganum harmalaseeds. Phragmites australisis effective; I wasn’t sick, just very weak—possibly due to the 24-hour diet. It was my first ayahuasca—very wild and pagan. Spirit faces everywhere in the trees, very dark. I wasn’t really in the experience— it was too weak. I saw the spirits but was unable to talk to them or to act with them. I was between two realms. Either 60 grams is a low dosage or my P. australiswas too old (one year at least). But again, it was very wild and pagan. — H.S., France "DMT from PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS the common reed" Trzcina pospolita (PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS). Kłącza trzciny są jadalne, więc raczej nie zawieraja trującej graminy, w przeciwieństwie do mozgi trzcinowatej. "Kłącza można prażyć w żarze, dusić, dodawać do zup lub po wysuszeniu zetrzeć na mąkę. Posiekane na krótkie odcinki można spożywać bez konieczności oddzielania włókien." "Zasiedlająca łanami brzegi wód trzcina pospolita Phragmites australis również jest jadalna i dostarcza wartościowej skrobi. Wybieramy białe, delikatne kłącza (łatwo nie będzie, niestety), drobno kroimy i gotujemy w osolonej wodzie, doprawiamy tym co mamy, na przykład liśćmi szczawiu. Ugotowane kłącza można też rozdrobnić na puree i okrasić pokrzywą i czosnkiem niedźwiedzim. Wody po gotowaniu nie wylewamy – wypijamy jako napój lub gotujemy z dzikiej zieleniny zupę. Młode, wiosenne kiełki przyrządzamy jak szparagi. Surowe kłącza i kiełki można żuć – dostarczają organizmowi cukru." "TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: 20-50g of the fresh or dried root is boiled for fifteen minutes and combined with 3 g of Peganum harmala seeds to create an ayahuasca analog (Ratsch 1998, 435)." 2 Cytuj
ubuzububub Opublikowano 10 Października 2013 Opublikowano 10 Października 2013 Bardzo ciekawy artykul przytoczles. Dzieki za to. Moja przygoda z aya zaczela sie dawno temu choc jednoczesnie dopiero sie zaczyna. Kazdy gram wiedzy na wage zlota. Peace Cytuj
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