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Nawozy naturalne czy syntetyczne ?

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co do wody najlepsza by była mineralna wysokomineralizowana jak ktoś ma darmowy dostęp, jesli ktoś pracuje w nałęczowiance to polecam w ciemno
Ostatnio zauważyłem ciekawy chwyt marketingowy. Wielu (albo niewielu) z Was widziało pewnie w growshopach internetowych i w gazecie soft secrets informacje o tym ze specyfik o nazwie Guanokalong jest z odchodów nietoperzy wolnożyjących. Otóż z mojej analizy strony producenta nic na to nie wskazuje ta fraza jest uzywana w cudzyslowiu co w prawie handlu kieruje do nazwy własnej.

Centuries ago Inca’s discovered the powerful natural source “Bat guano”, the perfect flowering fertiliser for growing plants and crops. The biological super fertiliser “Guanokalong” is promoting taste, quality and yield.

Skontaktowałem sie w tej sprawie z producentem zobaczymy co odpowie zamieszcze tutaj
I read yours site and i did not find the answer for my question: Is the
"Guanokalong" it from real guano of real bats ? In guano i hear "shit"
so is the shit ? In next when i read :

balanced composition made of:
different black and white peats
timber chops (instead of using perlite)
a package of organic fertilizers based on Guanokalong.

i do not see information about guanokalong including bat guano, bat shit.
I wrote this becouse i'm so frustated in reading polish version of Soft
Secrets where there inform us at the theory about real guano in
Guanokalong product.
I buy this and i recomend it for fresh users. Best regards from Poland,
Greetings Siemowit,
Thank you for your mail and questions.
Guanokalong powder is made from real batdung. I has not been mixed with
other fertilizer. It's as natural as nature can get.
The text for Guanokalong soil on the website is outdated.
Guanokalong complete mix soil + guano contains: blackpeat, white peat,
perlite, wormcastings, Guanokalong powder and another natural NPK
just to give the plant a good start.
What do they write in the Soft Secrets about Guanokalong?
I hope that I have answered your questions.
Best regards, Egbert
Femeg - Guanokalong
Thank you for answers, in soft secrets wrote very positive about
Guanokalong, when i rad this i start where to buy this product I had
Guanokalong powder, in soft secrets they wrote about 100% bat guano in
guanokalong product. I was thinking is guanokalong powder is mix of
perlite, peruwian guano, wormhumus and others. But after your answers i
know i am wrong. Can i copy our conversation to internet forum about MJ
growing, ?
No problem, you could do that. E
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