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Quick Dry/Cure CFL UVB style

UVB Lights

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moje pytanie czy ktos to stosowal i czy ziolko nie traci mocy podczas takiego corringu





This "Quick Dry/Curing" method has had near full potentcy nugs in about an hour. 

(This technique won't work with unflushed non-organically grown pot.)
All you need:
Spiral daylight spectrum (cool 5700k) CFL lamp, or a 10.0 UVB CFL of around 25-29 watts
(5700k the color temperature is important to provide UVB light to increase potency)
Locate and cut a fresh nug off your almost mature plant in the dark.
Trim it, and de-stem. Chop it into one main nug and collect a few smaller budlets. These budlets can be dried in around 15 mins.
Put your shades on (very important, b/c UVB light is bad for the eyes!) and toss'em (the budlets and nug) into the CFL (inside so they rest on the warm illuminated glass tubing). If you carefully tip lamp sideways it's easier to rest nugs inside on the light. 
Small budlets should take 15-30 mins to dry and cure this way. 
Nugs around the size of a dried gram should dry and cure in about 1 hour. Any longer and things start to get crispy. 
SUPERVISE your CFL curing, rotate your nugs. You'll watch them rapidly shrink, dry and cure. 
Calling it curing because the higher kelvin temperature CFL emits UVB light and heat that converts active ingerdents into THC. As far as curing for taste and reduced chlorophyll this method may not work as well as drying and curing in the dark, over time, it's intended to create early harvest smoke that will get you as high as fully cured. You'll never microwave again. 
I wouldn't recomend doing this from a plant that hasn't at least started being flushed. I also wouldn't recommend using any non-organically grown bud.

It's ok if you get some leafs, trichromes, crystylazation on your CFL. I would suggest letting the bud directly touch the illuminated CFL glass without anything block the lightwaves with provide the "curing" effect. Similar to the potency increase of properly Finishing, drying and curing.
Obviously there is some difference in quality etc here. It's sparks up great is all i'm saying, and has the type of potentcy medicinally sought after. It's an art, don't get me wrong, but a few properly CFL cured nuggets will get you through a flushing period.


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