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Posiadanie marihuany w Anglii

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krzaczki nawet 3, te 100g jeżeli masz krzaczki, można mieć w domu, ale przy sobie, w terenie, małe ilości. No ale kto nosi 100gietów przy sobie ;p

Gość antymef303

fajnie ciekawe kiedy u nas będzie można mieć krzaczki :)


nie ma zadnej legalizacji tylko po prostu tam sie przyjeło ze zagrozeniem sa  DUUUUUUZe UPRAW(groow roomy) a nie malutkie boxy dla własnej potrzeby . nie pladruja kazxdego domu tylko z helikopterami namiarzaja kamera termowyziyjna a takiego boxa nie wykryje pozdrawiam.


zawiasy, godziny społeczne, jak dobrze na-ściemniasz i będziesz miał szczęście mogą nawet odstąpić od kary

Classification in the UK

Despite being the most widely used illegal drug in the UK, marijuana is a class B substance. As recently as 2004, marijuana had its classification downgraded to a class C drug. This reduced the possible prison sentence for possession of the drug to 2 years. However, with research suggesting that stronger forms of the drug were becoming more prevalent, this decision was reversed only a year later and marijuana returned to the classification it had held since 1928.

Class B

Being a class B drug means that if you are caught in possession of marijuana you can face a jail term. The maximum custodial sentence for the possession of marijuana is 5 years. However, in general the penalty for possession of marijuana is a warning, if you’re over 18 and it’s your first offence, and a Penalty Notice for Disorder (an Ł80 on-the-spot fine) for a second offence. Arrest is likely if you are stopped by the police for your third offence, which could lead to a conviction and criminal record. The steps are similar for someone between the ages 10 and 17, although the police would also inform your parents of what has happened and you may be referred to a Youth Offending Team.

It is also against the law to supply cannabis and supplying it can lead to much tougher punishments. For supplying someone with cannabis you can be issued with a 14-year prison sentence and an unlimited fine. You are considered by law to be supplying cannabis even if you share your marijuana out with your friends – you do not have to sell it to be found guilty in a court of law in the UK. If you are ever in trouble for carrying, be sure to be calm, courteous and seek help from a top law firm like Irwin Mitchell

  • 2 tygodnie później...

z tego co wiem trawa jest tam nielegalna ale przymyka sie na to oko. bylem 2 miechy, raz widzialem jak typy odjarali lola na przystanku i poszli . jebalo ze az milo.
ziomek jest aktualnie w anglii, mowil ze duzo ludzi jara, trzyma w domu dla siebie. przypierdolic lubia sie gdy stoisz w kilku typa przez dluzszy czas w jednym miejscu.

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